Rema, Little Simz, Skepta & Jae5 Along With Other Superstars feature on the FIFA 22′ Soundtrack

With FIFA 22 being released in days, we all know how the soundtrack always gets you in the mood as you prepare for a match giving you the locker room feel to a real life football game, Whether it’s a new banger or a remix of an old classic, there are always tunes aplenty.

Since 1995, FIFA has been one of those games that immerses you into the life of a footballer. Not only is the action on the pitch a key talking point each year, but the iconic music that accompanies it.

EA is best respected for many reasons within the gaming industry, and its soundtrack is certainly one of them with its perfect blend of all genres. Some great artists and bands have had their work showcased on the FIFA series in the past, such as Rema, Pa salieu, Aitch, Little Simz, Ardee, Oasis, Skepta, The Strokes, Fat Boy Slim, Morrissey and Beck, just to name a few. While gamers may not be able to name every song on a particular FIFA title, some are more recognisable than others.

This is part of the reason why we all love FIFA so much, and the music on FIFA 22 promises to provide similar feelings of nostalgia for years to come.

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